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Доработка сайта
Все быстро и четко! Спасибо🤝
т.к. как и было указано в заказе — он от англоязычного знакомого, то публикую его отзыв и рекомендацию:
My experience of working with Alexey has been very positive. Like a lot of people my website was almost complete but I had a few things that I wanted to modify. All other WordPress developers wanted to start from the begining and rewrite everything. Alexey was different, his knowledge allows him to work with what already exists and adapt. He has provided all the functionality and features I was after without a rewrite and all within 15 hours of work in total.
In the fullness of time no doubt I will have Alexey rewrite the whole website to make the coding more streamlined but I can do that once my business is making money and I know what additional functionality I require.
I should also add that all our communication had to be conducted through machine translation with a little assistance from some friends. My Russian is next zero but Alexey accommodated me.
To conclude I highly recommend Alexey.
Создание сайтов на WordPress
Благодарю за оперативность!
Landing page
Что хотел , то и получил. Специалист Екатерина — достойный.
Перенос сайта на другой хостинг
Лучше Алексеев работающих с доменами не встречал! Рекомендую!
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